N.B. A comprehensive consideration by Leoni Hodgson on the Five Centers in relation to the world chakras can be found on this page.
Alice Bailey talks in Esoteric Astrology (page 457/458, English edition) about:
“… the outlets of planetary energy through the means of which great and general effects are produced in the external, planetary life. In this fifth root-race, there are only five such outlets as far as effects on humanity are concerned; man’s responsiveness to them, is demonstrated by the fact of their relative importance in conditioning world events and world affairs. Wherever one of these outlets for spiritual force is found, there will also be found a city of spiritual importance in the same location. These five points are:
1. London. — For the British Empire.
2. New York. — For the Western Hemisphere.
3. Geneva. — For all of Europe, including the U.S.S.R.
4. Tokyo. — For the far East.
5. Darjeeling. — For all of central Asia and India.
Later, two more points or outlets for energy will be added to these but the time is not yet. Through these five places and areas in their neighborhood, the energy of five rays pours forth, conditioning the world of men, leading to effects of planetary significance and determining the trend of events. A study of history and of current affairs will produce some understanding of their importance in connection with four of them. The effect of the force flowing through the Darjeeling center is not so immediately apparent but it is of major importance as a distributing agency for the Hierarchy and particularly for those Members of the Hierarchy who are dealing with and influencing current human affairs in this time of momentous crisis. These five points of conditioning energy produce two triangles of force in their interrelation:
1. London — New York — Darjeeling.
2. Tokyo — New York — Geneva.
Geneva and Darjeeling are two centers through which pure spiritual energy can be directed with more facility than through the other three and they, therefore, constitute the higher points of their respective triangles. They are more subjective in their influence than are London, New York or Tokyo. Together, they form five centers of ‘impelling’ energy today.
It may interest you also to know the governing rays and astrological signs of these five places, so far as they can be given at this time and during this present cycle. Forget not that the personality rays change from period to period in connection with countries and cities just as they do with individuals.”
City | Soul | Personality | Sign |
London | 5th | 7th | Gemini |
New York | 2nd | 3rd | Cancer |
Tokyo | 6th | 4th | Cancer |
Geneva | 1st | 2nd | Lion |
Darjeeling | 2nd | 5th | Scorpio |